Object numberRMM 2010/88/3
Object categorydocuments
Object namebook
DescriptionBooklet B relates to Admiralty Chart 2613 and F1015 re maps relating to D-Day, dated February 1944. Gives coastal silhouettes from Ouistreham to Luc-Sur-Mer taken at zero feet. Caveated as "an aid to coastal recognition and NOT intended for navigational purposes" . Separate but included in folder are tracing paper overlays for charts, showing reference points and operating boxes for supporting ships. Overlays also show the position of German guns and fortifications and objectives for D-Day. Also included is Map of German Fortifications at Luc Sur Mer.
Associated subjectNormandy Landings (1944)
Associated date1944-02 - 1944-02
Associated PersonSowman, F H, Ty Lt
Production date1944-02-02 - 1944-02-02